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Read This Before You Download The Script...

This script is not child's play or a plug-and-play system. You will have to install the script to a server. It's your own website, your own business.
The server requirements are:
  • PHP 5.0 or higher, compatible with any UNIX or LINUX servers.
  • MySQL 4.0 or higher
  • CRON access
  • Sendmail installed
These are very basic server requirement. If you are not sure of your server specs, check with your server support.

How To Download?

No tricks.
No opt-in needed.
Just click the button below to download.

To Join Up Just Click Here


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I still need autoresponder services like Aweber, GetResponse, etc?
No. OTO List Builder Script itself is an autoresponder system. There is no need to spend money on third party autoresponder services.
What skills do I need?
You need a desire to succeed. All other things can be learnt.
Is the script encrypted?
No. I hate encrypted script because it limits customization. This script is open source. You can edit it and expand on it as your business grows.
Is it free?
Any hidden cost?
You need a server. That will cost you a few dollars a month (we don't sell server hosting, you get your own). If you already have one, you should be able to use the same one. In that case, there is no other costs involved.
What should I do after downloading the script?
Simply unzip the file, open a document called "installation guide.htm" and follow the guide there.
Do you provide installation service?
Yes, but there is a norminal fee, just to cover our time. Honestly, we don't want to make money from this. We prefer that follow our detailed step-by-step installation guide. It's not rocket science.

Is There A Demo?


For User Demo, Click Here
For Admin Demo, Click Here
(username: admin, password: admin)

What Can OTO List Builder Script Do?

Everything that is mentioned above.

OTO List Builder Script allows you to get people to opt-in, offer them a one-time offer, send them preset autoresponders, mass mail them and let them make money sending traffic to you.
It also has other features such as banner management and email ad management.

This powerful FREE script lets you run a full-fledged online business like the gurus.

List Management


Mass Mailer

One-Time Offer

Affiliate Program

Banner Management

Email Ads Management


Published: By: Vera - 6:01 PM
